Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Taste the Moon

Memories are like the pages of a good old book. 
Flip them and a character or scene emerges out of the blue. And you try to locate its place and time automatically, mesmerized by the chance discovery.  

Here is something similar I discovered recently.
I am still trying to figure out who has written it and when.

The graphics is of course mine, a part of series called ‘Meditation’ that I made around the same time when - many years ago - I first found this:

The world is troubled
With a lack of looking 

I sing my songs
The world sleeps 

I see the sky reflected in my teacup
I move the cup
And I tilt the sky 

The flying crane is shadowed
On the mud wall
My shadow touches his
And I ride the bird 

The stars are mirrored in a pool 
Of rain
With my hands I scoop up the water
I have a handful of stars 

I group the branch of a tree
The wind blows
And the tree shakes my hands 

The moon shimmers on my glass of cognac
I drink
And taste the moon 

I climb on a fig tree
And look down
The earth has fallen 

All the world
All the world pours in at my barred window
I lower the my lids
And dam the flood”

1 comment:

  1. I don’t know how should I give you thanks! I am totally stunned by your article. You saved my time. Thanks a million for sharing this article.
