Friday, January 23, 2015

Wish List 2015

‘2015’ is here to stay for sure, especially because‘January’ has crossed the midway. All the hoopla of ‘Happy New Year’ has subsided. So, something serious or mundane can be discussed without any hype.

Every year, as the new dawn changes the calendar on the wall, we talk about what happened, and what we expect from the coming year. To make the coming time more fruitful or more enjoyable, we take Resolutions to streamline our haphazard life that has not been as it should have been in the year that passed or for that matter in the whole life till date.

Most of these resolves never get realized. They remain dormant in our minds only to appear in next December. Yet, some of us do that ritual year after year, in the hope of improving our life one day.

For personal resolutions, it is easy to associate the hope. But what if we wish for everybody, for our nation, for our planet earth collectively, without any resolve? Maybe it is like a prayer that may get the blessings of an unknown almighty one day… or perhaps it is like a child’s fancy that is never going to materialize… 
...Such a wish will remain a wish forever. 
Yet, to have a list of these is an interesting idea. Maybe one day some of them will be at least seriously discussed.

So, have a look at my wish list for 2015:

1. Work as per choice, not compulsion:
Some of us, the privileged ones, have achieved this. But I wish every single human being on our planet to work only out of their passion, not because a boss is dictating it to be done or one has to do it out of any dire need. Though an ideal situation in theory, it’s never going to be a reality. What will happen to those menial jobs that nobody wants to do and everybody wants to be done, if people work only for passion? Can you recall such essential but uninteresting jobs? There are plenty including a sweeper’s, I guess.
There may be many who would not like to do anything at all except sleeping under the sun in winters, but to wish them would not be prudent perhaps.

2. Violence less world:
            This is a completely unrealistic wish. Violence is an essential evil to defeat the devil. We need the military and the police to protect the nations against the enemies of outside and inside. And we also need individual aggression to confront the wicked people in everyday life. Yet, I wish that the violence would somehow become redundant. So that we don’t need to make weapons, which eat a major chunk of our savings collectively. May our streets would become safe to roam in the night and so on and so forth…    

3. No need of God:
            Sorry, if it is blasphemy… Again it’s a mirage. We all need god in some form or another. Maybe there is an atheist residing somewhere in this same blue planet, but till date I have not met him or her (god knows if she is a female or what!). Still, I wish if we can do without Almighty. The religion would transform to a political party in that scenario, perhaps. With ‘PK’, still fresh from its resounding success at the box-office, this wish may not be too politically incorrect, I hope. How easy would it be to hope without fear in that case, just imagine!

4. Pure drinking water everywhere   
            Drinking water has become a big business because we don’t get pure water nowadays. But the avid travelers can vouch for many pristine places where one gets such drinking water freely flowing from a ridge. I wish the same to be available for everybody without spending a penny. Some of the developed nations have achieved this feat, but for the third world it’s a distant dream. But my wish is not about the technological advancement per se, but about the day when every source of water would become drinkable, though the salty sea would remain an exception for sure. Hello, is there any reverse process of pollution?

This list can be really very long… like the delicious yummy food for everyone, no disease, no corruption, everything goody-goody … But, would not that be too boring? What would the news channels show in that case?

No, we can’t wish for a heaven like situation where nothing is wrong. But, at least we can strive together to make this earth a little better place to live… if not in 2015, then in next year or sometime in distant future…

Is it too much to wish for?